Which Browsers Support Javascript 1 6

Find all needed information about Which Browsers Support Javascript 1 6. Below you can see links where you can find everything you want to know about Which Browsers Support Javascript 1 6.

javascript - Which web browsers natively support Array ...

    The JavaScript article of Wikipedia lists the JS versions by browser. forEach is part of JavaScript 1.6. So it is supported indeed by most browsers, except Opera 9.02 (which I just tested). Opera 9.5 (which I just installed!) supports it, along with indexOf for Array. Surprisingly, it is not official.

JavaScript Versions

    JavaScript was developed for Netscape. Netscape 2 was the first browser to run JavaScript. After Netscape the Mozilla foundation continued to develop JavaScript for the Firefox browser. The latest JavaScript version was 1.8.5. (Identical to ECMAScript 5). ECMAScript was developed by ECMA International after the organization adopted JavaScript.

ECMAScript 2015 support in Mozilla - JavaScript MDN

    Mar 24, 2019 · ECMAScript 2015 is the sixth edition of the ECMAScript Language Specification standard. It defines the standard for the JavaScript implementation in SpiderMonkey, the engine used in Firefox and other Mozilla applications.

As of 2017, what support is there for ECMAScript 6 in ...

    Now its is 2018, but I guess this question is still going to be a grail quest for quite sometime now! If you are a JavaScript developer, then it pays to keep the compatibility table handy and rather than seeking answer to a vague question like wha...

ECMAScript 6 compatibility table

    Compilers/polyfills Desktop browsers Servers/runtimes Mobile; Feature name Current browser ES6 Trans-piler Traceur Babel 6 + core-js 2 Babel 7 + core-js 2

Browsers Supporting JavaScript

    Question: Which browsers support JavaScript? Answer: JavaScript is supported by the following browsers: Netscape Navigator (beginning with version 2.0) Microsoft Internet Explorer (beginning with version 3.0) Firefox Safari Opera Google Chrome Any other browser whose vendor licensed or implemented JavaScript. See also JavaScript Versions.

ECMAScript - Wikipedia

    ECMAScript 2015 added the keywords let and const allowing JavaScript to support both block scoping as well as function scoping. JavaScript supports automatic semicolon insertion, meaning that semicolons that are normally used to terminate a statement in C may be omitted in JavaScript. Weakly typed. ECMAScript JavaScript is weakly typed. This ...

ECMAScript 5 compatibility table

    [1] Results are only applicable for the KHTML rendering engine. [2] Flagged features have to be enabled via --harmony flag [3] Flagged features have to be enabled via --harmony or --es_staging flag [4] Executed in Node.js/JVM mode via graalvm/bin/node --jvm. [5] In Internet Explorer 8 Object.defineProperty only accepts DOM objects (MSDN reference). [6] In Internet Explorer 8 Object ...

javascript - Which browsers support ? - Stack Overflow

    The first part works on browsers without support for <script async.. tags, allowing them to load async with a "hack" (although a pretty solid one), and also allows rendering the page without waiting for ga.js to be retrieved. The second part only affects compatible browsers that …

John Resig - Versions of JavaScript

    With the recent talk of JavaScript 1.9 there’s been some confusion as to what exactly that version means – especially in relation to other browsers. Here’s a quick breakdown: IE 6-7 support JScript 5 (which is equivalent to ECMAScript 3, JavaScript 1.5) IE 8 supports JScript 6 (which is equivalent to ECMAScript 3, JavaScript 1.5 – more bug fixes over JScript 5)

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