Find all needed information about Withdrawing Life Support In Neurologically Injured Patient. Below you can see links where you can find everything you want to know about Withdrawing Life Support In Neurologically Injured Patient.
Dec 07, 2002 · How are decisions made concerning withholding or withdrawing life support? Clinicians and families make most of the decisions about life support in intensive care as less than 5% of patients are able to communicate with clinicians at the time. 2 When facing potential mental incapacitation, 90% of patients prefer family members to act as the decision makers and request that decisions be made in ...Cited by: 162
Dec 01, 2000 · Physicians and other health professionals may be familiar with these principles, but they may not understand the laws that govern withholding and withdrawing life support and providing palliative care or how to satisfy legal requirements in their practices. This …Cited by: 120
Clinicians in the intensive care unit (ICU) often care for patients who are on several life support measures at once. When such a patient is dying and the decision is reached to withdraw life support, these clinicians may make an imperfect compromise in seeking to balance the complex needs of the patient and the patient’s family — they may remove the life support measures one at a time ...
Sep 12, 2011 · Canadian Medical Association Journal. (2011, September 12). Withdrawing life support for traumatic brain injuries needs cautious approach, study finds. ScienceDaily. Retrieved December 3, …
As a result, substitute decision makers are allowed when the patient is no longer able to make the decision. Having decided the issue of withdrawal/ withholding of life support, the US Supreme Court, in 1997, turned its attention to physician-assisted suicide.Author: Joseph M. Taraska
Aug 30, 2011 · Death rates after withdrawal of life support in individuals who had severe traumatic brain injury were examined by a multicenter team of Canadian investigators in six trauma centers in Quebec ...Author: Grace Rattue
As I have repeatedly reported here and elsewhere, some bioethicists and others in the transplant community seek permission to harvest patients' organs before they are dead. The latest example is ...
Apr 10, 2010 · The latest example is in the Winter 2010 edition of Lahey Clinical Journal of Medical Ethics, in which Brown University transplant surgeon, Dr. Paul Morrissey, argues that to obtain more usable kidneys, organs should be taken from neurologically devastated patients without first withdrawing life support and waiting for death by cardiac arrest.
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