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Architectural Support for Cyber-Physical Systems Edward A. Lee University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, California, USA [email protected] Abstract Cyber-physical systems are integrations of computation, communication networks, and physical dynamics. Although time plays a central role in the physical world, allCited by: 6
Architectural Support for Cyber-Physical Systems Edward A. Lee. Citation Edward A. Lee. "Architectural Support for Cyber-Physical Systems". Talk or presentation, 14, March, 2015; Keynote Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS 2015)
Research Letters A Cyber-Physical Systems architecture for Industry 4.0-based manufacturing systems Jay Lee, Behrad Bagheri⇑, Hung-An Kao NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Center on ...
Architectural Support for Cyber-Physical Systems Edward A. Lee Robert S. Pepper Distinguished Professor UC Berkeley Keynote Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems ASPLOS 2015 March 14-18, 2015. Istanbul, Turkey Special Thanks to: •! David Broman •! Isaac Liu •! Hiren Patel •! Jan Reineke •! Michael Zimmer
A new paradigm is needed that considers system design as an integrated process of software, physical, and human interaction design. Our research is focussing on this on two ways: Heterogenous modeling, analysis, and verification of cyber-physical systems, where we take an architectural aproach to modeling and analysis of cyber-physical systems.
Sep 05, 2018 · CYBERSECURITY ARCHITECTURAL ANALYSIS FOR COMPLEX CYBER-PHYSICAL SYSTEMS MARTIN “TRAE” SPAN III is an Instructor of Systems Engineering at the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA), Colorado Springs, Col- orado. He is commissioned as Captain in the United States Air Force (USAF). He received his undergraduate degree in Systems Engineering in
Recent additions to the architectural approach make it particularly attractive for heterogeneous model integration. Bhave formulated multi-view CPS architectural representations by creating a vocabulary of architectural elements that consists of physical elements (like forces), cyber ele-
Architectural Modeling and Analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems 3 views represent the concerns of di erent stakeholders [6]. We can take advan-tage of this concept to provide di erent views of a cyber-physical system that are related, but separate out di erent modeling concerns, and so can be used with existing analyses for cyber and physical ...
This work addresses these gaps by answering the questions: 1. “What is cybersecurity architectural analysis?” and 2. “How can architectural analysis be used to more effectively support cybersecurity decision making for complex cyber-physical systems?”
Supporting Heterogeneity in Cyber-Physical Systems Architectures Akshay Rajhans, Member, IEEE, Ajinkya Bhave, Member, ... the concept of architectural views for CPS to support model-based development with heterogenous models, and demon- ... support …
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