Carer Support Info Lanarkshire

Find all needed information about Carer Support Info Lanarkshire. Below you can see links where you can find everything you want to know about Carer Support Info Lanarkshire.

Carers - South Lanarkshire Council
    Carers are male, female, young or old and may come from Black and Minority Ethnic communities or same sex relationships. If you provide someone with help and support to manage their life, you are a carer. Why carers need support in South Lanarkshire

Adult Carer Support Plan - South Lanarkshire Council
    Support available to you locally. Any support which the responsible local authority intends to provide to you. The circumstances in which your Adult Carer Support Plan is to be reviewed. You can request an ACSP in two ways: You can go directly to Lanarkshire Carers Centre who will undertake the ACSP with you. If they deem you needs to be low or ...

Lanarkshire Carers Centre -
    Support Lanarkshire Carers Centre through Amazon Smile. 26-Nov-19: This festive season, if you're shopping on Amazon Smile and nominate Lanarkshire Carers Centre as your chosen charity, the Amazon Smile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of all eligible purchases to …

South Lanarkshire Carers Network
    Are you a Carer? We can help you... Currently approximately 1 in 7 of the Scottish population provide care and support to a family member, friend or neighbour. Many people don't recognise themselves as Carers. You don't have to be related to, or live with, the person

Lanarkshire Carers Centre - Airdrie - SFAD
    A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support. Our mission is to deliver services that make a positive difference to the lives of carers in Lanarkshire, ensuring they are well informed, supported and […]

Carer Support Services Lanarkshire HIV & Hepatitis
    Princess Royal Trust Lanarkshire Carers Centre. The Black and Minority Carer Support Service of PRTLCC helps to identify and support BME Carers and support them to access available services. A key role of the PRTLCC BME service is to provide support to Carers and family members who are affected by a blood borne virus (BBV).

Contact South Lanarkshire Carers Network
    Get in touch! One of our team is available, during normal office hours, to chat through any queries you may have. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. South Lanarkshire Carers Network Limited The Gatehouse 65 Bothwell Road Hamilton South Lanarkshire ML3 0DW Phone: 01698 285163 Email: info…

Carers - South Lanarkshire College
    Lanarkshire Carers Centre provides a number of support services to carers in the Lanarkshire areas such as one-to-one Carer Support, Carer Support Groups, Care Talk and also tailored support for Young Adult Carers aged between 18-25. Website: Email: Phone: 01698 428090

Lanarkshire Live-in Home Care Elder
    How can a live-in carer in Lanarkshire help? A live-in carer can undertake any task necessary to ensure the safety, comfort and wellbeing of your relative. All Elder carers specialise in elderly care in the home, offering everything from basic companion care through to the more complex requirements of dementia care personal support.

Support for young carers in Scotland -
    Sep 04, 2019 · As a young carer, you may have more responsibility for a family member than many of your friends have. Your rights. The Carers Charter explains what your rights are as a young carer under the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016. What you might need help with. There are many aspects to your life you might need support and advice on, such as: school

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