Find all needed information about Child Support Office Orange County Ca. Below you can see links where you can find everything you want to know about Child Support Office Orange County Ca.
At Orange County Department of Child Support Services (OC CSS), we are committed to improving access to services, increasing convenience, and providing resources to our customers. To assist you, we are making sure that the child support process is personalized, efficient, and comprehensive.
For California Department of Child Support Services online information, visit County Directory Assistance 855.886.5400: Navigation. OC Home; About the County; ... Making Orange County a safe, healthy, and fulfilling place to live, work, and play, today and for generations to come, by providing outstanding, cost ...
West Sacramento, CA 95798 ; Or you may walk-into our office to make a payment . Orange County Department of Child Support Services 1055 North Main Street Santa Ana, CA 92701 ; Please note payments sent by mail need to be received by the 20th of each month to ensure proper credit for the month the payment was intended for.
The Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) is the state agency responsible for child support enforcement. California's Child Support Services Program works with custodial and non-custodial parents and guardians to ensure children and families receive court ordered financial and medical support.
Thank you for your inquiry regarding modification of your child support order. You are asking Orange County Department of Child Support Services (CSS) to change the amount of support you pay or receive. This service may only be used by customers who have a case open with CSS.
State of California. I do not have a case with Child Support Services If you are thinking about child support and need to get a court order, or if you have a court order already that needs to be enforced, you have several options to contact us:
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