Find all needed information about Does Sprint Iphone 5 Support 4g. Below you can see links where you can find everything you want to know about Does Sprint Iphone 5 Support 4g.
Yes. Apple has officially jumped on the LTE bandwagon, and their latest smartphone, the iPhone 5 offers full LTE compatibility (at least on US carriers AT&T, Verizon, and Sprint). Some expected the iPhone 4S to support the LTE standard, however Apple waited almost one year to …
Jul 02, 2013 · does the iphone 5 work on sprints 4g wimaxx and 4g lte? Yes it sure does, the iPhone is designed to run Sprints network wherever you have it available. i was told by a sprint representative that the iphone 5 is only capable of supporting their 3G or 4G LTE and doesn't supoort their 4G wimaxx. Then that information is correct
Sprint Drive 2GB/Mo Plan: Sprint 4G LTE data only. No roaming. After 60 minutes of idle time, hotspot may automatically turn off. MHS reduced to 2G speeds after data allowance. Sprint Drive Unlimited Plan: Sprint 4G LTE data only. No roaming. SD video streams up to 480p, music up to 500 kbps, gaming up to 2 …
Does iPhone 5 work on 4g network sprint. why iphone don t shoe 4g lite only show 3g lite ican fix sprint pcs. Asked by fn from Bay Point.
Does anyone have this same problem on iPhone 5 units? I register LTE on the phone but I get no connectivity. I have to "reset" (turn off then turn on) the phone before I get the LTE working again. Is this a Sprint problem or an iPhone 5 unit problem? Any suggestions on what to do to avoid having to ...
Re: iPhone 5 4G LTE Coverage figure it like this...currently if you picked up a iphone 4S it is only going to be able to run on 3G anyways..the iphone 5 will be able to run on both the 3G network as well as 4G LTE once its in L.A...wimax will be a done deal by 2015 anyways..might as well go foreward and get something that can actually use the faster speeds..personally im a android fan..but thats just me..
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