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LinkedIn Help - Using Boolean Search on LinkedIn - Attention screen reader users, you are in a mobile optimized view and content may not appear where you expect it to be.
Edit: Sometimes you can't return early because there's more work to be done. In that case you can declare a boolean variable and set it appropriately inside the conditional blocks.
Search Guide Simple Search. ... operator. This is the default, if you don't use any Boolean operators, then only those sites that contain at least one occurrence of each search term will be returned.. ... The search does not support arbitrary wildcards, so searches on "*cycling" or "Arch*ology" will not work.
Boolean Operators Just as we have + and * operators that work on int values, we have operators that work on boolean values. Suppose we have boolean expressions b1 and b2, which may be simple boolean variables, or may be boolean expressions such as (score < 100). The "and" operator && takes two boolean values and evaluates to true if both are true.
I do have the Random generator inside a constructor, so that part isn't a problem. I assumed that since I declared the boolean outside the if statement I would be able to use it inside, but that doesn't seem to be the case. The real question is how can I use a randomly determined boolean in an if statement.
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