Find all needed information about Down Syndrome Support Gropus. Below you can see links where you can find everything you want to know about Down Syndrome Support Gropus.
We are proud to have affiliated local support groups right across England, Wales and Northern Ireland. We also have the information details for a wide range of independent support groups, all of whom can provide support and knowledge relevant to each region. Please click on a region below to see...
View National Down Syndrome Society – Affiliate Map in a full screen map *** If you are having difficulty finding local support using our interactive map below, please check our complete alphabetical list of affiliates by state. Visit our Resources page to find your Healthcare Providers and view our Down Syndrome Specialty Clinics Database
Click a state to get a list of known Down syndrome organizations for that state: Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico …
The Down Syndrome Support Group is here for anyone looking for support who has or knows someone with Down Syndrome. You or families can join the Down Syndrome Support Groups here for free.
> Finding Support. Finding Support. Is What I’m Feeling Normal? Learning that your baby has Down syndrome is not an easy thing for anyone to face, and right now you may be experiencing a roller coaster of emotions. While everyone handles the diagnosis in their own way, certain reactions are common in new or expectant parents of a child with a ...
At Band of Angels, our goal is to become the premier resource for Down Syndrome on the web. A comprehensive support group directory is a crucial part of reaching that goal. Use the search fields below to find your local support groups.
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