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Oct 19, 2016 · 1. Introduce a carers policy. Employers can put in place a policy on carers to demonstrate their support and set out the practical arrangements that are in place for carers.. Employers should also ensure that relevant policies and procedures (for example those on flexible working) include care issues within their remit.
Carer Confident . The Carer Confident benchmarking scheme supports employers to build a positive and inclusive workplace for staff who are, or will become, carers and to make the most of the talents that carers can bring to the workforce.
Carers' support network - employers could consider supporting and/or encouraging the establishment of an in-house support group for carers, where they could easily get together to have coffee and a chat about their caring responsibilities. Many workplaces now use digital and social media to communicate with staff and could use this channel to ...
How you can support carers in your workforce. Unlike parents, many carers are invisible in the workforce, reluctant to discuss their personal situation and unaware of the support available to them. Be aware of your duties as an employer under the Equality Act 2010. Nominate a …
May 22, 2019 · He adds that with stretched social care services on a nationwide scale, there is a place for employer support. “Employees trying to provide assistance and care to parents who live remotely can be a great stress.
Employer support for carers: How to plug the gap; Latest News. Majority of UK businesses failing to support informal carers 14 January 2020. Carers UK reacts to Queen’s Speech ... He adds that with stretched social care services on a nationwide scale, there is a place for employer support.
Supporting carers. Real examples of how people were supported by their employers when they were looking after someone with cancer. ... Find out how our expert training, guidance and resource options help employers support employees affected by cancer. Whatever your needs, we’ve got an option for you. Macmillan at Work.
The Carer Positive award is presented to employers in Scotland who have a working environment where carers are valued and supported. Carer Positive employers recognise the importance of retaining experienced members of staff, reducing absence, and cutting down on avoidable recruitment costs.
Who are Employers for Carers? Managed and supported by the specialist knowledge of Carers UK, Employers for Carers (EfC) has evolved from a pioneering group of employers committed to working carers. Our key purpose is to ensure that employers have the support to retain and manage employees with caring responsibilities.
Employers for Carers: This is a membership forum of small and large employers working with Carers UK. You can access toolkits on setting up a carers staff network and developing a carers policy via their website, after becoming a member. NHS England's commitment to carers
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