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Staff governors are teaching and support staff paid to work at the school and are elected by other staff. Headteachers will automatically become a governor but …
From September 2018, all Enfield Governor training will be booked through the Governor’s own school. Every Enfield school and academy has a member of staff to manage bookings, who will send Governors the link to view all information for available training.
Governors provide support and challenge at meetings to ensure the best outcomes for children, however it is the headteacher who runs the school and not the governing body. To assist governors in their role, they will receive and discuss reports from the local authority and the headteacher at governing body meetings and committees.
The Enfield Governor Support Service offers the full range of governance support to assist governors in the discharge of their legal responsibilities by providing expert technical advice and guidance, and clerking support on all governance related matters.
The Service We offer a rapid Advisory Service via email and telephone and a Professional Clerking
the Council, please give the names of these organisations / agencies The Governor Support Service works in partnership with - • School Improvement Service senior professionals within Schools and Children’s Services to deliver aspects of Governor training and development that are accessible to all governors
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