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Jul 18, 2011 · Improvement in scalability — ESXi 4.1 Update 1 supports up to 160 logical processors. Support for additional guest operating systems — ESXi 4.1 Update 1 provides support for RHEL 6, RHEL 5.6, SLES 11 SP1 for VMware, Ubuntu 10.10, and Solaris 10 Update 9 guest operating systems. For a complete ...
Oct 29, 2010 · For the record, the Dell software for controlling a UPS in conjunction with ESXi 4.1 & VMA 4.1 DOES NOT WORK. It will only support VMA 4.0. The software is based on William Lam's GhettoUPSHostShutdown PERL script, and he has said that the API changes VMware made between VMA 4.0 and 4.1 break the script. Guest will not shut down nor will the host.
Jan 20, 2011 · since esxi version 4.1 you can use usb passthrough from your esxi host to a vm. In my case (@home) i'm using a ups without network (but serial) support and it works perfectly with using a rs232 to usb adapter (the esxi hardware has no serial connectors too...) ng, Berndt
Dell R710 with ESX4 / ESXi 4.1. the UPS and ESX are configured nicely, when a poweroutage occurs after 15 minutes the VM's are brought down and finally the server is shut down. My issue is with power restoration. When the power is restored we can't get the ESX server to boot.
Aug 06, 2010 · This video describes how to access Tech Support Mode in VMware ESXi 4.1. Tech Support Mode provides a command-line interface ...Author: VMwareKB
Aug 12, 2010 · After the install completes (it took about five minutes for me), reboot your ESXi Host. After your host comes back up exit Maintenance Mode. Now that you have now updated your ESXi host from 4.0 to 4.1 you should update your vSphere Client, CLI versions and VMTools to 4.1 as well. Upgrade vSphere Simply run the installer.
Advisory: (Revision) VMware - VMware AMS Data File Filling Up Tmp May Cause VUM Updates to Fail On HPE Servers Running VMware ESXi 6.0/6.5/6.7 with AMS Version 11.4.0
Aug 19, 2019 · I am currently using PCNS 4.2 with ESXi-6.7U2 and everything works great besides vCenter failing to power on once in a while (after a power outage). Recently, I tried installing the 4.3 version of PCNS for VMware and while the machines were shutting down properly, they would fail to power on once the servers were manually restarted.
Dec 10, 2009 · I have an ESXi 4.0 free licensed installation running some VMs. I have a UPS without a network management card. This UPS is connected against the host via USB or serial port. Need to shutdown VMs and finally the host in case of power outage. and need to avoid the following: 1) license the ESXi 4.0 2) buy a network management card
VMware ESXi 4.1 lockdown mode allows the administrator to tightly restrict access to the ESXi Direct Console User Interface (DCUI) and Tech Support Mode (TSM). When lockdown mode is enabled, DCUI access is restricted to the root user, while access to Tech …
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