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Each of Inspire’s Floating Support Services is embedded in the community and responds to locally identified support needs. However the initial aim for all our Floating Support Services is to support individuals with mental health needs access accommodation or stabilise current accommodation.
Housing floating support services. Housing floating support is a free, short term service to residents in the borough who are having difficulties managing their home. Floating support can help you resolve a crisis and improve your skills and confidence to take control of your life and make your own decisions.
Floating Support services are short term (less than two years), flexible services provided to individuals in their own homes. Floating Support services are linked to the individual and not the accommodation meaning that if an individual moves house the Floating Support can follow the individual as long as they remain in the service’s catchment area.
Our Floating Support services can help you in a number of ways. We can provide support to help you to: Stay in your home - maintaining your tenancy and avoid eviction; Manage your finances, for example, paying bills or claiming benefits; Improve your health and wellbeing - helping you to access services and support such as the doctors and dentist
What the Floating Support Service can’t help with. Unfortunately Camden Floating Support Service cannot provide help with personal care or domestic duties e.g cooking, cleaning nor can they provide any counselling or befriending. People living in Camden council housing should contact their local neighbourhood housing officer.
Support services Website: ... Follow Riverside Floating Support on Twitter. Council Area: Liverpool; Documents. ... Add Riverside - Floating Support Service to shortlist This page was last updated on 08 November 2019. Facebook Twitter Print Email Enquire about this service ...
Our Floating Support is specifically designed to provide access to the range of services identified to help the person to maintain and enjoy greater independence while remaining part of the community: Daily contact via phone with regular home visits, 24 hour support via Radius Connect 24 (please see theConnect 24 for further details)
Support in your own home. We provide specialist floating support services, visiting support and tenancy sustainment services, to people with a range of different needs across the country.
Floating Support is a flexible service which helps people secure and maintain their tenancy. Our Floating Support Officers provide practical support and advice to vulnerable people within their own homes and the community. Triangle provides a range of floating support services across Northern Ireland.
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