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If you are sponsoring more than one intending immigrant listed on the same affidavit of support, photocopies of the original affidavit of support may be submitted for any additional intending immigrants listed. ... Affidavit of Support (Form I-864) Employment Eligibility Verification (Form I-9) Apply for a Travel Document (Form I-131) Remove ...
Form I-864 03/06/18 . Affidavit of Support Under Section 213A of the INA . Department of Homeland Security . U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Page 1 of 10. To be completed by an attorney or accredited representative (if any). Part 1. Basis For Filing Affidavit of Support. am the sponsor submitting this affidavit of support because ...
All immigrant visa applicants in the categories below must present a contractually binding Affidavit of Support (Form I-864), signed by the petitioner: All family-based immigrants (Note: Biological (natural-born) children of American citizens under the age of eighteen, orphans, self-petitioning widow/widowers and battered spouses and children are exempt. Please see Who May Use Form I-864W ...
Whether you need to submit an I-864 Affidavit of Support will depend on the type of application you are filing. For example, you will need an I-864 Affidavit of Support if you are submitting a visa application for a spouse but, when filing for a fiancé(e), the correct form is I-134 Affidavit of Support.
However, there are two versions of the Affidavit of Support: Form I-134 and Form I-864. While both forms are to demonstrate the applicant entering the U.S. is a lawful person capable of financially supporting oneself, there a differences in the forms.
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