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This is an online community where Keloid Scar sufferers can exchange views and advice on how to live with and treat Keloid Scars. The forum provides the opportunity to discuss and share your personal experiences as well as the chance to support others who are coping with the very real physical and emotional issues surrounding keloid scars.
Jul 07, 2018 · An online community where Keloid Scar sufferers can exchange views and advice on how to live with and treat Keloid Scars. Use the forum to ask questions; help the community and help yourself.
Mar 22, 2010 · I have two of these things on my chest. Looks like pimples but they are keloid scars from shaving. Went to the doc and he said that surgery isn't an option because it'll only make them grow bigger! Is there treatment for this ****? it's not a big deal, just kinda ugly looking to have 2 giant-zit looking things right in the middle of my chest.
Dec 03, 2017 · The latest Tweets from Keloid Scar Forum (@KeloidScarForum). An online community where #Keloid #Scar sufferers can exchange views and advice on how to live with and treat Keloid ScarsFollowers: 297
Hi there, This is a support board and it doesn't have a WebMD health professional. Keloid scars which are raised can be difficult to deal with because as you've said the scar revisions can lead to additional formation of scarring and can make a keloid scar worse looking.
A keloid scar forms from abnormal healing, and usually develops in people 10 to 20 years old. A keloid, or keloid scar, is a kind of overgrown scar, or an overly aggressive healing response to a ...
Dec 07, 2010 · RYL Forums » Open Topic Support Forums » First Aid Advice » Keloid scars! Forum Jump ... you can help smooth them out i guess by useing vit E creams bio oil but there is no real way to get rid of keloid scars. Consult your GP and ask them if there is anything that they can suggest there might be some extreme things that can be done to help ...
I thought this was interesting: I haven’t personally had much experience with SSKI topically unless it is to put on a blemish on my trumps Lugol’s for sure when I don’t want that orange iodine stain to show! Apparently SSKI works very nicely for dimimishing the keloid scars if it is applied twice daily for as many months as it takes, possibly a year or more, but it would be ...
Sep 23, 2009 · After a few years in 2007, I went to another doctor (3rd dermatologist), he suggested the 6 times injections (but higher doses) every 4 to 6 weeks and also laser to lighten the scars, about 8 months later the improvements are very slow, and by that time the 2nd keloid is almost twice bigger, it flatten a little bit, not much, some how the laser ...
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