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Championing Biblical Fundraising and Empowering Leaders: 2018 Support Raising Leaders Conference More than 300 support raising leaders from 110 Great Commission ministries recently gathered to discuss the number one obstacle that keeps missionaries from the field, and one of the top reasons people leave the field: raising financial support.
Join us in 2020 at one of our conferences. You’ll be able to hear the latest research on justice and funding mission, learn from practitioners who have made changes in their context, and meet other ministers passionate about making support raising more equitable and just for all. What: The Future of Support Raising Conference
I want to invite you to the first Future of Support Raising Conference — February 19-20, 2019 in Chicago. Join us for two days of learning, collaboration, innovation, lament, worship, and imagination as together we help shape the future of support raising.
Dr. Steve Shadrach is the founder of Support Raising Solutions. He authored The God Ask and has trained thousands of Christian workers from more than 1,500 organizations around the world how to raise their support. A former pastor and missionary himself, Steve has a Doctorate of Ministry in Church and Para-Church Executive Leadership.
As long as you’re a missionary, you’ll never get to the point where you don’t need to raise support. So you might as well decide right now to make support raising a way of life, just like way-of-life evangelism. Even when you have full support, do something every month to strengthen your support team.
Support Raising Approaches. What can I do to successfully raise prayer and financial support? Can I raise funds for missionary service by doing it mostly online, e.g., through crowdsourcing, GoFundMe, or Facebook? Can teams going overseas together raise support …
Jan 25, 2017 · Missionaries regularly need to raise new support and often have scheduled times to travel and connect with potential new supporters. Understanding your missionary’s timetables may allow you to end your support in a way that minimizes the impact of needing to find new financial partners.
Also, we suggest that you find someone on your YWAM team who will agree to assist you as you raise support. Ask him or her to pray for you and hold you accountable to your support raising goals. Relational Fundraising Course. This free, four-module online course was developed by Terry Sherman, a support raising trainer with YWAM in Europe.
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