Non Conventional Techniques Of Ventilatory Support

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Non-conventional Techniques of Ventilatory Support ...
    To overcome the problems associated with conventional mechanical ventilation, novel techniques of ventilatory support have evolved, including high frequency ventilation, constant flow ventilation, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, and extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal.Cited by: 15

Non-conventional techniques of ventilatory support.
    The non-conventional techniques for ventilatory support represent a new approach to the management of patients with respiratory failure. A large number of studies indicate that these techniques can maintain adequate gas exchange under conditions in which the traditional concepts of gas …Cited by: 15

Nonconventional ventilation techniques.
    Advances in ventilator technology have allowed the introduction of numerous ventilator modes in an effort to improve gas exchange, reduce the risk of VILI, and finally improve outcome. In this review, we will summarize the studies evaluating some of the nonconventional ventilation techniques and discuss their possible use in clinical practice.Cited by: 21

Nonconventional ventilation techniques : Current Opinion ...
    modes in an effort to improve gas exchange, reduce the risk of VILI, and finally improve outcome. In this review, we will summarize the studies evaluating some of the nonconventional ventilation techniques and discuss their possible use in clinical practice. Recent findings Proportional assist ventilation and neurally adjusted ventilator assist are able to improve patient–ventilator ...

Non-conventional mechanical ventilation in severe ARDS ...
    Modern techniques such as inverse ratio ventilation, permissive hypercapnia, NO inhalation and lowering tidal volumes/pressures are advocated. We report on a patient with severe ARDS who showed all the complications of the disease. The risks and benefits of (non)conventional ventilatory strategies are discussed and illustrated.Cited by: 3

Mechanical ventilation - Wikipedia
    Mechanical ventilation, or assisted ventilation, is the medical term for artificial ventilation where mechanical means are used to assist or replace spontaneous breathing. This may involve a machine called a ventilator, or the breathing may be assisted manually by a suitably qualified professional, such as an anesthesiologist, respiratory therapist, or paramedic, by compressing a bag valve ...ICD-9: 93.90 96.7

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Ventilatory support after extubation in critically ill ...
    non-invasive ventilatory support to improve weaning outcome • Several techniques of respiratory support (conventional oxygen therapy, high-flow nasal therapy, continuous positive airway pressure, and non-invasive ventilation) can be used with different strategies (facilitative, preventive, or therapeutic) to avoid extubation failure

Ventilatory support after extubation in critically ill ...
    Dec 01, 2018 · Several techniques of respiratory support (conventional oxygen therapy, high-flow nasal therapy, continuous positive airway pressure, and non-invasive ventilation) can be used with different strategies (facilitative, preventive, or therapeutic) to avoid extubation failure •Cited by: 1

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