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Novaworld Community Site - Beta. To post in the forums you'll need to upgrade your account by adding one or more product keys from Land Warrior, Task Force Dagger, Comanche 4, Black Hawk Down, Team Sabre, Joint Operations Typhon Rising, Joint Operations Escalation, …
NovaLogic is a developer and global publisher of computer games for the PC, PlayStation, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Xbox, and Xbox 360 game systems. This includes games such as the incredibly popular franchise Delta Force, the helicopter action game Comanche, and the huge online game Joint Operations. Select games are now available digitally via NovaWorld.
NovaLogic is a developer and global publisher of computer games for the PC, PlayStation, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Xbox, and Xbox 360 game systems. This includes games such as the incredibly popular franchise Delta Force, the helicopter action game Comanche, and the huge online game Joint Operations. Select games are now available digitally via NovaWorld.
Apr 25, 2014 · This Delta Force 2 demo now has NovaWorld multiplayer capability along with three single-player missions that highlight many new features in the game.
You're a member of the U.S. Army's best kept secret: the elite SPECIAL OPERATIONS unit known as Delta Force, formed to BATTLE TERRORISM throughout the world. When the best of the rest can't handle the op, YOU are called into action. Can you handle THE JOB? Features FREE NovaWorld™: online gaming supporting up to 50 players.Reviews: 213
The best-selling Comanche series returns with this fast-paced action game that places you at the controls of a Comanche RAH-66 helicopter. In 6 single player campaigns and multiplayer, the game combines serious firepower with effortless controls and stunning, interactive terrain.Reviews: 132
Just wanted to make a Forum announcement that this game is now out. It is a throwback to the game play we all grew up with in the Nova Games. There have been some reported bugs and the game is in early beta so its not a full game yet.
Delta Force: Xtreme is a first person shooter made for casual play. It features both a single-player campaign light on story but with 60 levels to shoot your way through, and multiplayer based off of developer Novalogic's NovaWorld platform.
As a member of Delta Force — The Army's Elite, top secret special forces unit — the word 'impossible' is not in your vocabulary. In Delta Force, you will conduct missions swiftly and silently, in every possible terrain, under every imaginable condition and through unconventional means.
Delta Force: Black Hawk Down uses an engine based on Comanche 4 which allows for more detail and advanced visual effects thanks to shader support. Also vehicle movement is not restricted to specific pre-defined paths anymore and the AI drivers are able to avoid obstacles.
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