Find all needed information about Org Springframework Dao Support Dao Support Jar. Below you can see links where you can find everything you want to know about Org Springframework Dao Support Dao Support Jar.
Note: There is a new version for this artifact. New Version: 2.0.8: Maven; Gradle; SBT; Ivy; Grape; Leiningen; Buildr
Version Repository Usages Date; 2.0.x. 2.0.8: Central: 43: Jan, 2008: 2.0.7: Central: 18: Oct, 2007: 2.0.6
Download spring-dao-2.0.6.jar. spring-dao/ 111 k) The download jar file contains the following class files or Java source files.
Package Support classes for DAO implementations, providing miscellaneous utility methods. See: Description. Interface Summary ; Interface Description; PersistenceExceptionTranslator: Interface implemented by Spring integrations with data access technologies that throw runtime exceptions, such as JPA and Hibernate.
In case the specified .jar file exists in your classpath then, your application’s classpath is getting overriden and you must find the exact classpath used by your application. In case the exception is caused by a third party class, you must identify the class that throws the exception and then, add the missing .jar files in your classpath.; All Implemented Interfaces: InitializingBean Direct Known Subclasses: CciDaoSupport, HibernateDaoSupport, JdbcDaoSupport. public abstract class DaoSupport extends Object implements InitializingBean. Generic base class for DAOs, defining template methods for DAO initialization.
Looks like you miss the spring-dao.jar in your classpath. That jar contains the class . Download it and add it to your classpath.
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