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At your service. Why have the hassle of bringing in a tech support team when you could just do it remotely? Through a live seminar, clients are able to install our solutions by themselves with our assistance saving time and money.
Nothing short of spectacular. CONNX is clearly oriented toward great software and great customer relationships. Not only do support requests get resolved quickly and cheerfully, but the CONNX team continuously demonstrates amazing receptivity and responsiveness...
CONNX Division of Software AG 3380 146th Place SE, Suite 110 Bellevue, WA 98007 Phone: 425.519.6600 Toll Free: 888.88.CONNX Fax: 425.519.6601 Email:
We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.Learn more
CONNX 13.5 InfoNaut Guide in .chm format. Must be saved to local drive to open. InfoNaut Guide (Online Version) CONNX 13.5 Online User InfoNaut Guide: InfoNaut Guide (PDF Format) CONNX 13.5 InfoNaut Guide in PDF format. Installation Guide (CHM Format) CONNX 13.5 Installation Guide in .chm format. Must be saved to local drive to open.
The CONNX 8 family of products delivers on our commitment to support these databases, and round out or support for all data on the enterprise. Our commitment to support all major databases means that CONNX provides a "technology buffer" that provides a consistent and reliable method of accessing data, no matter where it is located.
SQL Server 2014 Support. CONNX offers full support for SQL Server 2014 in addition to SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2005, SQL Server 2000, including clustered index support on supported SQL Server versions. Many, many, more… Several smaller features have been added to CONNX 12 as well.
Please don't hesitate to contact us for information on your current ConnX system or how we've helped other organisations improve their business.!portal/201600000002049
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