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Life Leech Support Support Icon: l Mana Multiplier: 130% Requires Level 31 Supports any skill that hits enemies, causing those hits to leech life based on damage dealt. Per 1% Quality: Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Damage while Leeching Life Supported Skills have (2-3.9)% of Damage Leeched as Life This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in ...
Supports any skill that hits enemies, causing those hits to leech life based on damage dealt. Supported Skills deal 0% increased Damage while Leeching Life (+0.5% per 1% Quality) Supported Skills have (2-3.9)% of Damage Leeched as Life; This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it.
how does multiple skills with suported life leech works? example. In body armour,I have 6l ice nova with life leech support. In gloves, I have 4l Molten shell with life leech support. does it only leech the highest damage dealer (ice nova only)? or both of them are leeching like ice nova leech 500 and molten shell leech 100 so a total of 600 leech?
Life Leech Support Life Leech Support Support Icon: l Mana Multiplier: 130% Requires Level 31 Supports any skill that hits enemies, causing those hits to leech life based on damage dealt. Per 1% Quality: Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Damage while Leeching Life Supported Skills have (2-3.9)% of Damage Leeched as Life This is a Support Gem ...
Apr 05, 2017 · [2.6] The Sentinel - Double Strike Multistrike Life Leech Duelist. This is my Double Multi-strike, endless life leech, high run speed Duelist. ... I have been using vengeance and riposte with ED on stun and stun support for a while now and it seems pretty effective. I also use Hegemony's Era and took the Elementalist staff node that gives 10% ...
Energy Leech Support Support Icon: g Mana Multiplier: 130% Requires Level 31 Supports any skill that hits enemies, causing those hits to leech energy shield based on damage dealt. Per 1% Quality: Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Damage while Leeching Energy Shield Supported Skills have (1.5-1.9)% of Damage Leeched as Energy Shield Supported Skills deal (12-24)% more Damage while on …
Life Gain on Hit Support Attack, Support Icon: h Mana Multiplier: 150% Requires Level 8 Supports attack skills. Per 1% Quality: +0.5 Life gained for each Enemy hit by Attacks from Supported Skills +(6-44) Life gained for each Enemy hit by Attacks from Supported Skills This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it.
Mana Leech Support Support Icon: m Requires Level 31 Supports attack skills that hit enemies, causing those hits to leech mana based on damage dealt. Per 1% Quality: Supported Skills deal 0.5% increased Damage while Leeching Mana Supported Attacks have (2-3.9)% of Damage Leeched as Mana This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected …
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