Power Trust Social Exchange And Community Support

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Power, trust, social exchange and community support ...

    By understanding the dynamics of power and trust in the context of community support for tourism, partners involved in the exchange can strategically adjust social relations to achieve mutually desired outcomes in tourism development.Cited by: 345

(PDF) Power, Trust, Social Exchange and Community Support

    Trust and power between actors are two central concepts in social exchanges. Yet, studies investigating residents’ support for tourism using the social exchange theory have failed to …

(PDF) Power, trust, social exchange and community support ...

    Trust and power between actors are two central concepts in social exchanges. Yet, studies investigating residents’ support for tourism using the social exchange theory have failed to consider these constructs simultaneously. This study tests a model

Power, Trust, Social Exchange and Community Support.

    Nunkoo, R. and Ramkissoon, H. 2012. Power, Trust, Social Exchange and Community Support.. Annals of Tourism Research. 39: pp. 997-1023.Cited by: 345

Power decreases trust in social exchange.

    Oct 20, 2015 · Power decreases trust in social exchange. ... Conversely, our results support predictions by motivated cognition theory, which posits that low-power individuals want their exchange partner to be trustworthy and then act according to that desire. Mediation analyses show that, consistent with the motivated cognition account, having low power ...Cited by: 54

(PDF) Power decreases trust in social exchange

    How does lacking vs. possessing power in a social exchange affect people's trust in their exchange partner? An answer to this question has broad implications for a number of exchange settings in ...

Community Business Fund - Power to Change

    The Community Business Fund. What is The Community Business Fund? The fund is designed to support existing community businesses with grants to help them progress towards self-sufficiency. This could be through increasing trading income, securing an asset or significantly reducing revenue costs. Is it open for applications?

Social Exchange in Organizations: Perceived Organizational ...

    Social exchange (P. Blau, 1964) and the norm of reciprocity (A. W. Gouldner, 1960) have been used to explain the relationship of perceived organizational support and leader-member exchange with employee attitudes and behavior.

Trust & Social Exchange Theory Flashcards Quizlet

    -Blau (2002) - "Diffuseness of obligations implies that large-scale social exchange is not likely without formal agreement unless social bonds rooted in trust have been established."-Empirical evidence that reciprocal exchange leads to trust: Molm et. al. (2000, 2003)

Social Exchange Theory in Psychology

    Social exchange theory proposes that social behavior is the result of an exchange process. The purpose of this exchange is to maximize benefits and minimize costs. According to this theory, developed by sociologist George Homans, people weigh the potential benefits and risks of social …

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