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Subsequent history has largely supported the OECD analysis, including its understanding of the role of public opinion in pension reform. The conclusions likely still hold today in most countries. Keywords: pensions, aging, public opinion, retirement income, life-course, population aging, dependency, social policy, strategic planning, projectionsCited by: 15
Public Support for Retirement Income Reform The OECD has undertaken a comparison of the resources of older people in nine OECD countries – Canada, Finland, Germany, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States – and has examined how the incomes of older people are influenced, directly and indirectly, by government policies.Cited by: 15
However, highest priority would be on encouraging later retirement for those who now retire well before age 65. A diversified system of income support for older people during retirement (and the transition to ...
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Get this from a library! Public support for retirement income reform. [Peter Hicks; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Employment, Labour and Social Affairs Committee.]
Get this from a library! Public support for retirement income reform. [Peter Hicks; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Directorate for …
The retirement plan must be a governmental plan that is a qualified trust or a section 403(a), 403(b), or 457(b) plan. The distribution must be from a retirement plan maintained by the employer from which the taxpayer retired as a public safety officer and cannot be from some other retirement plan.
The public is very supportive of the idea of requiring current public employees to contribute more towards their own pensions and benefits (82%), but strong majorities oppose making any cuts to pension benefits for current workers (53%) or retirees (71%).
AWP 3.4 19 public pension systems in OECD countries have a statutory retirement age where full benefits are accessible at age 65 at least for men, with retirement ages for women sometimes slightly lower. For those aged 60 in 1960, they expected to live until around age 75-77 for men and 78-80 …
New public opinion poll supports Social Security reform Changes including raising full retirement age, making more income subject to payroll tax gain support. Feb 24, 2014 @ 10:54 am
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