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ServiceMix fully supports the OSGi framework. ServiceMix is lightweight and easily embeddable, has integrated Spring Framework support and can be run at the edge of the network (inside a client or server), as a standalone ESB provider or as a service within another ESB. ServiceMix is compatible with Java SE or a Java EE application server.License: Apache License 2.0
Jan 24, 2012 · “Unable to create message factory for SOAP” when migrate from servicemix 4.3.1 to 4.4.1. Ask Question 1. ... Unable to create message factory for SOAP: Provider org.apache.axis2.saaj.MessageFactoryImpl not found ... Browse other questions tagged soap axis2 apache-servicemix or ask your own question. asked. 7 years, 4 months ago. viewed. 490 ...
Jul 23, 2008 · Guys, I am in charge of comparing the top 3 opensourced ESB on the market. I understand they are ServiceMix, OpenAdaptor and Mule. Am I right? Should I include/exclude one? Have you guys worked with two or even all of them?
Apache Axis2 supports SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2, and it has integrated support for the widely popular REST style of Web services. The same business-logic implementation can offer both a WS-* style interface as well as a REST/POX style interface simultaneously. Axis2/Java has support …Developer(s): Apache Software Foundation
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Axis2 is structured modularly, has many features and can be used as an application server for Web Services. A special feature of Axis2 is the support of exchangeable binding frameworks, for example XMLBeans. Axis2 together with the XMLBeans framework is well suited for Web Services which are using very complex schema definitions.
Apache Synapse Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) Apache Synapse is a lightweight and high-performance Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). Powered by a fast and asynchronous mediation engine, Apache Synapse provides exceptional support for XML, Web Services and REST.
Sep 23, 2011 · Hi, Just a quick notes, embed 3rd party jars in your bundle isn't a good practice in OSGi world, you should always try to install all necessary 3rd party bundles/jars in OSGi container and from your bundle you should import necessary package, this is the expected behavior in OSGi container.
The Apache Incubator is the entry path into The Apache Software Foundation for projects and codebases wishing to become part of the Foundation’s efforts. All code donations from external organisations and existing external projects seeking to join the Apache community enter through the Incubator.
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