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Mar 31, 2014 · In the present study, we proceeded to explore the issue of social support further by (1) exploring the relationship between social support and good compliance with treatment for hypertension, and (2) identifying factors associated with receiving social support from family and/or friends.
Dec 19, 2018 · Social Support and Hypertension. Given the convincing evidence linking the presence of social support with lower overall mortality, it would be expected that hypertensive patients exhibit less dense social networks and/or lower quality of social support than normal blood pressure controls. Uchino et al. (1996) conducted a meta-analysis of 28 ...
Social support is an important determinant of health, yet understanding of its contribution to racial disparities in hypertension is limited. Many studies have focused on the relationship between hypertension and social support, or race/ethnicity and ...Cited by: 97
Social support was more important for people with higher blood pressure. Both middle-aged and older people—especially men—who do not live with their spouses may be particularly susceptible to hypertension. Participation in community-based organisations may …Author: Puchao Lei, Yangyang Wu, Ruixue Ye, Thankam S Sunil, Huan Zhou
Social support and interaction helps humans to release and relieve stress. Studies have shown that owning a pet have a positive effect in maintaining your blood pressure. ... According to the National High Blood Pressure Education Program, the recommended alcohol consumption should not be more than a drink a day. A drink is equal to 12 ounces ...
Hypertension does not impact one's social life in the way that some other conditions can, requiring individuals to miss out on engagements and the like. That said, changes that can help improve your high blood pressure can have social implications.Author: Craig O. Weber, MD
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