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Problem. Veritas Volume Manager (VxVM) 5.1 may report an EMC SRDF R2 device in an "error" state, if the source SRDF R1 device is labelled with a Solaris (EFI) …
Disks of this size are formatted with the Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) disk label rather than the VTOC disk label. EFI formatted disks are supported with Veritas Volume Manager only on Solaris 10 (SPARC). Solution. VxVM running on Solaris 9 does not support EFI …
Marianne, You are right, I got a bit ahead of myself :\ EFI label is mainly for Solaris 10, however it also appears to be available from Solaris 9 Support
* 3898168 (Tracking ID: 3739933) SYMPTOM: VxVM package installation fails when Linux-server is having EFI support enabled. DESCRIPTION: In LINUX, VxVM install scripts assumes GRUB bootloader in BIOS mode, and tries to locate corresponding grub config file. In case system has GRUB bootloader in EFI mode, VxVM fails to locate required grub config ...
VxVM, Veritas Volume Manager exports the ioctl interfaces for VxVM volumes. VxVM 5.1 SP1 RP1 P1 and VxVM 5.0 MP3 RP3 introduced the support for Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) for VxVM volumes in Solaris 9 and Solaris 10 respectively.
It's not a question of recognizing the label so much as it is about defaults. The VxVM default is to create a private region of type "CDS". The CDS type can't be created on an EFI disk. Instead, create a non-CDS private region. From the vxdisk manpage: You can turn the …
Jan 02, 2012 · EFI ( Extensible Firmware Interface) Label: Some quick points about EFI: EFI labels are only supported by 64 bit solaris 9 U 04/03 or later. And able to support the disks larger than 1TB. EFI disks will have total 7 slices ( 0 to 6 usable and slice to as overlap) , …
Support Ticket - for paying customers ... (Need to update the EFI and HPSP size below according to the other root disk partition’s size) This examples is where the new disk is disk85. Applies only to HP-UX 11.31 with VxVM as boot drive manager. # vi /tmp/efipart. 3 EFI 500MB HPUX 100% HPSP 400MB. Use the idisk(1M) command to partition the ...
Dec 12, 2005 · Look to EFI, allows filesystems built to large TB sizes if you needed. Per SUN: " Multi-terabyte file systems, up to 16 Tbyte, are now supported under UFS, Solaris Volume Manager, and VERITAS's VxVM on machines running a 64-bit kernel. Solaris cannot boot from a file system greater than 1 Tbyte, and the fssnap command is not currently able to create a snapshot of a multi-terabyte …
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