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Regarding video signals within the home, co-ax cable is used to carry composite video (standard definition color signals) and this will not carry HD signals. This is purely because coaxial interfaces for HD in domestic equipment. Coaxial cable is still used widely in broadcast environments to carry SD and HD …
Coax can easily do 1080i/720p(even 1080p, but nobody broadcasts 1080p), but if you go through a cable box, they don't let you output HD anymore through Coax. This is why if you have a cable ready...
But when 3G-SDI hit the scene, that video signal – also called 1080p/60 or 1080p/50 – was double the bandwidth of high definition (HD), which reduced distance capabilities of 1694A down to 78m. Although it has changed over the years, the magic distance for video cables today is 100m (328 feet).
Feb 11, 2016 · No. Those converters are to downgrade an HD signal from an HDMI device to work on an older COAX only tv. The only COAX / HDMI converter that would do this is, an HD cable box with HD …
Sep 16, 2013 · The type of satellite coax cable will not affect the quality of your video signal. The satellite signals are all digital, so the typical symptom of poor cables/connectors is pixelation or "searching for satellite" errors. Your problem could be caused the HDMI cable, or video adjustments on your HDTV.
Apr 10, 2007 · Coax itself can carry HD signals. After all, isn't your HDTV cable box receiving the signal from the wall via a coax cable? I know mine is.
Dec 22, 2007 · Both the optical cable and the digital coaxial have the ability to support true 5.1 surround sound. Out of the two, you want to use the fiber-optic cable. The digital coaxial is an older, analog connection. The fiber-optic cable is a light source, and is not interrupted by outside interferences.
Feb 21, 2007 · Right now I have my cable spliced from a digital cable box (no HD) into my TV..and I receive ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX in HD (TV says 720p or 1080i and it does look good). Regular channels look like crap. So I tried hooking up my TV directly to a digital cable box (no HD), and it blocked the HD signals.
Oct 01, 2015 · RG59 or RG6 Does it matter? ... and to my surprise, he did not. He did however, install RG6 coax cable from my wall to my 4k box, but from the amp to my wall, it's still RG59. Should I be worried? He did however, install RG6 from the amp (time Warner) to the Genie HD DVR tho.I don't know if it matters but, the RG6 he installed is not quad ...
Oct 16, 2012 · HD Home Theater Setup: HDMI vs Optical, 5.1 vs 7.1, and everything else. So, you got yourself a nice set of speakers, a good home theater amplifier, a fancy blu-ray player, and a giant flatscreen. Now you just want to hook it all together and enjoy the lovely 7.1 channel sound.
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