Nih Jit Other Support Pending

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Other Support
    Information on other active and pending support may be requested (often as part of Just-in-Time procedures for grant applications or in progress reports) to ensure there is no scientific, budgetary, or commitment overlap. “Other Support” is sometimes referred to as “current and pending support ...

2.5.1 Just-in-Time Procedures - National Institutes of Health
    Oct 01, 2019 · pre-award process, just-in-time, JIT, other support, pending support, certification of IRB approval, verification of IACUC approval, human subjects education requirement, human embryonic stem cells, hescs, genomic data sharing institutional certification, SBIR funding agreement certification, STTR funding agreement certification, other information requested by …

Other Support UCSF Office of Sponsored Research
    Dec 12, 2019 · Pending (for JIT Other Support): Include any pending proposals (i.e.: proposals that have been submitted and the start-date has not lapsed) that include any salary support for the individual. These entries should look very similar to the active support entries.

Just in Time (JIT) - National Institutes of Health
    Aug 16, 2019 · Other Support is always available. If the application involves care and use of vertebrate animals or involves Human Subjects, verification of the date of the respective IACUC or IRB approval is required on this Just-in-Time screen.. It is requested that active and pending support for all key personnel be provided.

"How Do I" respond to NIH JIT requests?
    This process decreases the administrative burden for the 75%-80% of the applications that will not receive funding and provides NIH with the most current information “just-in-time” for award. JIT information includes up-to-date Other Support, IACUC, …

JIT Information: How We Use “Other Support” Data – NIGMS ...
    The study section gave your application a competitive score, and now you’ve been asked to submit Just-in-Time (JIT) information about your other sources of funding, including active and pending support for key personnel on the application. Why do we request this information? First, for all applications that might be funded, we check the JIT information for scientific overlap with …

How do I prepare the other support documentation to submit ...
    Oct 02, 2018 · NIH will ask you to submit the other support information via a mechanism called the Just in Time (JIT) process (not at the time of proposal submission).. If a decision is made to fund a proposal application, the assigned Institute and Center (IC) at NIH will notify the PI and the Institutional Official via e-mail (see sample e-mail) to request other support information PRIOR …

Respond to Pre-Award Requests (“Just-in-Time”) NIH ...
    Some important time-sensitive information isn’t part of your application. Instead, you prepare it separately and send it before award, a process called just-in-time (JIT). Learn how to interpret the NIH and NIAID JIT information requests, whether you need to send JIT information, what information to prepare, and finally how to send it.

NIMH » Just in Time Information
    You may also fax it to the GMS named in the Commons at 301-480-1956. JIT Information may include: Other Support: Send up-to-date information on active and pending support for key personnel, submitted as instructed in the PHS Form 398 guidelines on Other Support or SF 424(R&R) as appropriate for the type of application submitted.

Current and Pending Support versus Other Support DoResearch
    Sep 27, 2018 · The term other support is specific to NIH and entails the submission of information regarding research funding that is either active or pending review or award. The information needs to be submitted for all key personnel and needs to include all financial resources, whether Federal, non-Federal, commercial or organizational, foreign or domestic, available in direct …

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