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Social Support for Children and Adolescents. Social Support is a large and complex construct with many different aspects which contribute to the term. Research has displayed the critical role that social support serves in the lives of children and adolescents and it has consistently been linked to outcomes in many areas such as, social ...
Nov 20, 2008 · The consistent findings across diverse samples suggest that social support is important for adolescents regardless of their socioeconomic status or ethnicity. In spite of the extensive literature linking social support to achievement, little is known about …Cited by: 241
Overview. This paper addresses two crucial issues in the health and development of adolescents - firstly, what sources of social support are available to them in their communities; and secondly, within the possible sources of support available to them, whom do they turn to for support and why.
Abstract. This study assessed contingencies in the effect of social support from parents and friends on adolescent self-esteem. Questionnaires were administered to 76 Israeli adolescents regarding self-esteem, stressful life events, and perceived level of support from mother, father, and friends.Cited by: 180;sequence=1
Adolescents, social support and help-seeking behaviour : an international literature review and programme consultation with recommendations for action / Gary Barker. (WHO discussion papers on adolescence) 1. Adolescent behavior. 2. Social support. 3. Patient acceptance of health care. 4. Adolescent.
The importance of the family and nonfamily networks and social support relationships of children and adolescents for their development and socialization, for their well-being and health has long been hypothesized. NOnetheless, childhood and adolescence - compared to adulthood and old age - have remained phases of the life cycle that have received little attention from support research.
perceived social support and coping styles predicting positivity. Research participants included 268 adolescents, attending high school, with 147 females (54.9%) and 121 males (45.1%). Adolescents participating in the research were 14 to 18 years old and their average age was 16.12 with SD=1.01. Research data were analyzed through
Depression is known to mediate the association between low social support and parenting competence in adult mothers, but this relationship is rarely assessed in adolescent mothers and fathers. The primary aim of this study was to identify the association ...Cited by: 28
In a sample of 2918 adolescents aged 12 to 24 years, the relation between parental and friends' social support was studied, specifically with regard to emotional problems. In addition, age and sex...Cited by: 902
However, peers also serve as an important source of social support and companionship during adolescence, and adolescents with positive peer relationships are happier and better adjusted than those who are socially isolated or have conflictual peer relationships.
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