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The Bipolar Spouses Support Group is a community of bipolar special ones dedicated to dealing with our challenges together.
Jul 13, 2010 · 10 Tips for Coping With a Bipolar Spouse Living with a husband or wife who has bipolar disorder can be difficult. Try these tips for coping with the inevitable mood swings.
It’s stressful for a spouse to deal with the confusion of ever-changing moods from their partner that has bipolar. It helps for this spouse to view their continued support as an investment in something worthwhile. Confusion and chaos. When symptoms of bipolar first begin to surface, most spouses aren’t sure what to think—they’re very ...Author: bp Magazine
This could ultimately be a dangerous course of action. The better path is to read about the disorder, attend family therapy, talk with other spouses of bipolar sufferers, perhaps join a support group. Learn about your spouse’s triggers, the things that can or usually do set off an episode. Learn also about the things that seem to encourage ...
Oct 01, 2009 · There aren't enough options and resources of support for "spouses" of bipolar sufferes in this world!! Why isn't the medical community concerned with the effects bipolar has on spouses and family members. Being the spouse of a bipolar sufferer is …
“Bipolar is manageable, but it takes work. All loving relationships take work and being with someone [who lives with] bipolar is no different,” adds Glo, from “You still need to take care of yourself. Find a good therapist or support group that will take care of …
Support is essential to recovery. One of the most helpful things one person can say to (or hear from) another is “I’ve been there.”Depression and bipolar disorder can be isolating illnesses, but DBSA has many ways to help connect you with others who have been there as well.
How to Care for and Cope With a Bipolar Spouse. Top Navigation ... those involved with a bipolar patient. Outside support and education can help. ... men complained of infrequent sex when their ...
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